American Football NCAA Approved Ruling 5-1-3
I. Airborne A88 gains firm control of a legal forward pass one yard within the opponent’s end zone. As A88 gains firm control the ball (a) he is contacted by B21 and A88 first comes to the ground on his knees at the one-yard line and maintains firm control of the ball: (b) A88 is contacted by B21 and A88 first comes to the ground on his feet at the one-yard line and maintains firm control of the ball. RULING: Touchdown in both (a) and (b) (Rule 5-1-3-a Exception 2, 8-2-1-b).
II. Receiver A88 runs a route deep into Team B’s end zone and circles back toward the QB A12 who throws the ball to A88. As A88 is coming back toward A12, A88 leaps and gains firm control of A12’s legal forward pass one yard within Team B’s end zone. Airborne A88 is not touched by a Team B player and first comes to the ground maintaining firm control of the ball at the one-yard line landing (a) on his knees; (b) on his feet. After A88 regains his balance, A88 runs and is downed at Team B’s five-yard line. RULING: Not a touchdown: (a) Team A’s ball at the B-1 where the ball is declared dead. (b) Team A’s ball at the B-5 where the ball is declared dead.
III. Airborne A2 receives a legal forward pass at Team A’s 35-yard line. As A2 receives the ball, he is contacted by B1 and first comes to the ground with the ball at Team A’s 33-yard line, where the ball is declared dead. RULING: Team A’s ball at the 35-yard line. This is the point of forward progress.
IV. A4, with the ball breaking the plane of the 50-yard line while in his possession, dives over the 50-yard line, which is the line to gain for a first down. He is knocked back to Team A’s 49-yard line, where any part of his body except his hand or foot touches the ground. RULING: First down at forward progress spot (Rule 4-1-3-b).
V. A6 has the ball in his possession and is not controlled by an opponent, as he dives over the 50-yard line, which is the line to gain for a first down, and is forced back across the 50-yard line. A6 continues to run and is tackled at Team A’s 49-yard line, where any part of his body except his hand or foot strikes the ground. RULING: No first down. The point of forward progress is Team A’s 49-yard line.
VI. A5, with the ball breaking the plane of the goal line while in his possession, dives over the goal line and is knocked back to the one-yard line, where any part of A5’s body except his hand or foot touches the ground. RULING: Touchdown. The ball is dead when it breaks the plane of the goal line in A5’s possession.