American Football NCAA Approved Ruling 6-5-4
I. B1 gives either a valid or invalid fair catch signal and does not touch a punt. While the untouched ball is loose in the field of play, he blocks an opponent (a) in the field of play beyond the neutral zone or (b) in Team B’s end zone. RULING: (a) If the ball crosses the neutral zone and Team B has possession when the down ends, Team B is penalized 10 yards from the postscrimmage kick enforcement spot. (b) Safety. The ruling is the same on an unsuccessful field goal attempt.
II. B1 signals at the 50-yard line and does not touch a punt. While the ball is rolling on the ground at Team B’s 45-yard line, B1 uses his hands to shove an opponent to get to the ball and the ball is declared dead in Team B’s possession. RULING: Penalty—10 yards, postscrimmage kick enforcement. The ball belongs to Team B (Rule 10-2-3)