After the ball is ready for play, offside occurs (Rule 7-1-5) when a defensive player:
a. Is in or beyond the neutral zone when the ball is legally snapped; or
b. Contacts an opponent beyond the neutral zone before the ball is snapped; or
c. Contacts the ball before it is snapped; or
d. Threatens an offensive lineman, causing an immediate reaction, before the ball is snapped (Rule 7-1-2-b-3-Exception, A.R. 7-1-3-V Note); or
e. Crosses the neutral zone and charges toward a Team A back (A.R. 7-1-5-III); or
f. Is not behind their restraining line when the ball is legally free-kicked (Rule 6-1-2). Offside occurs when one or more players of the kicking team are not behind their restraining line when the ball is legally free-kicked. (Exception: The kicker and holder are not offside when they are beyond their restraining line.)