Rule 8 - Scoring
SECTION 3. Try Down
Article 1 - How Scored
Article 2 - Opportunity to Score
A try is an opportunity for either team to score one or two points while the game clock is stopped after a touchdown. It is a special interval in the game which, for purposes of penalty enforcement only, includes both a down and the ‘‘ready’’ period that precedes it.
a. The ball shall be put in play by the team that scored a six-point touchdown. If a touchdown is scored during a down in which time in the fourth period expires, the try shall not be attempted unless the point(s) would affect the outcome of the game.
1. If the scoring team is ahead by one or two points, they have the option to forego the try.
2. The try shall not be attempted if the fourth period ends due to a running clock before the ball is snapped.
b. The try, which is a scrimmage down, begins when the ball is declared ready for play.
c. The snap will be midway between the hash marks on the opponent’s three-yard line or from any other point on or between the hash marks on or behind the opponent’s three- yard line if the position of the ball is selected by the team designated to put the ball in play before the play clock is at 25 seconds or before any subsequent ready-for-play signal. The ball may be relocated after a Team B foul or a charged timeout to either team unless the timeout is preceded by a Team A foul or offsetting fouls (Rules 8-3-3-a and 8-3-3-c-1).
d. The try ends when:
1. Either team scores.
2. The ball is dead by rule. (A.R. 8-3-2:IV and VI)
3. An accepted penalty results in a score.
4. A Team A loss-of-down penalty is accepted (Rule 8-3-3-c-2).
5. Before a change of team possession, a Team A player fumbles and the ball is caught or recovered by any Team A player other than the fumbler. There is no Team A score. (A.R. 8-3-2:VIII)
Article 3 - Fouls During a Try Before a Change of Team Possession
a. Offsetting fouls: If both teams foul during the down and Team B fouls before the change of possession, the fouls offset and the down is repeated, even if additional fouls occur after the change of possession. Any repeat of the down after offsetting fouls must be from the previous spot. (A.R. 8-3-3:II)
b. Fouls by Team B on a try:
1. When the try is successful, Team A shall have the option of declining the score and repeating the try after enforcement, or declining the penalty(ies) and accepting the score. Team A may accept the score with penalties for personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls enforced on the succeeding kickoff or from the succeeding spot in extra periods. (A.R. 3-2-3:VI) (A.R. 8-3-2:II) (A.R. 8-3-3:I) (A.R. 10-2-5:IX-XI)
2. A repeat of the down after a penalty against Team B may be from any point on or between the hash marks on or behind the yard line where the penalty leaves the ball. (A.R. 8-3-3:III)
c. Fouls by Team A on a try:
1. After a foul by Team A on a successful try, the ball shall be put in play at the spot where the penalty leaves it. (A.R. 8-3-3:I)
2. If Team A commits a foul for which the penalty includes loss of down, the try is over, and the score is cancelled, and no yardage penalty is assessed on the succeeding kickoff.
3. If before a change of team possession Team A commits a foul that is not offset, and during the down there is neither another change of team possession nor a score, the penalty is declined by rule.
d. Dead-ball enforcement:
1. Penalties for fouls occurring after the ball is ready for play and before the snap are enforced before the next snap.
2. Penalties for live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls occurring during the try down are enforced on the succeeding kickoff or from the succeeding spot in extra periods. If the try is repeated, these penalties are enforced on the repeat (Rule 10-1-6) (A.R. 3-2-3:VII)
e. Roughing or running into kicker or holder: Roughing or running into the kicker or holder is a live-ball foul.
f. Kick catch interference: The penalty for interference with a kick catch is declined by rule. Any score by Team A is cancelled.