Rule 12 – Section 2 – Article 3 – Explictly reviewable fouls
The following plays are explicitly reviewable and the video judge may create a foul when there is no call by the on-field officials or cancel a foul called by an on-field official:
a. A foul that normally carries a 15-yard penalty, including pass interference.
b. Player throwing a forward pass or making a forward handoff when beyond the neutral zone or after a change of team possession.
c. Player beyond the neutral zone when kicking the ball.
d. Blocking by a Team A player before he is eligible to touch the ball on an onside kick.
e. The number of players on the field for either team during a live ball.
f. Illegal touching of a forward pass by an originally eligible receiver who has gone out of bounds.
g. Player who is out of bounds touching a free kick that had not been touched inbounds.
h. Forward pass that becomes illegal as a second forward pass after an on-field ruling of a backward pass is changed.