American Football Rules IFAF Approved Ruling 10-2-5:X-XV
Fouls during a try with no change of team possession (this does not include live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls or loss-of-down fouls):
X. Team B fouls during a successful try. RULING: Repeat the down after enforcement, or the penalty is declined by rule. Penalties for personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls may be enforced on the succeeding kickoff or at the succeeding spot in extra periods (Rule 8-3-3-b-1). [Cited by 10-1-7, 8-3-1, 8-3-3-b-1]
XI. Team B fouls during a successful try. RULING: Repeat the down after enforcement or the penalty is declined by rule. Penalties for personal fouls may be enforced on the succeeding kickoff or at the succeeding spot in extra periods (Rule 8-3-3-b-1). [Cited by 10-1-7, 8-3-1, 8-3-3-b-1]
XII. During a successful kick try from the three-yard line, Team B is offside. After the ball is dead,
Team B commits a personal foul. RULING: If Team A elects to repeat the try, both penalties against Team B are enforced before the snap (Rule 10-1-6). If Team A declines the offside penalty and accepts the point, the penalty for Team B’s dead-ball foul is then enforced on the kickoff or at the succeeding spot in extra periods (Rule 8-3-5). [Cited by 10-1-7, 8-3-1]
XIII. During an unsuccessful kick try from the three-yard line, Team A commits an illegal motion foul.
After the ball becomes dead, Team B fouls. RULING: Team B obviously will refuse the penalty for the Team A foul. Team B is penalised on the kickoff or at the succeeding spot in extra periods. [Cited by 8-3-1, 8-3-5] Fouls after a try and before the succeeding kickoff:
XIV. Either team fouls. RULING: Enforce the penalty on the kickoff unless the try is the last down of the game. [Cited by 8-3-1, 8-3-5]
XV. Both teams foul before either penalty is completed. RULING: The fouls cancel. [Cited by 8-3-1, 8-3-5]