American Football Rules IFAF Approved Ruling 6-1-2:II-IV
II. Kicker A11 places the ball on the tee in the centre of the field for a free kick with four teammates to the left side of the ball and six teammates to the right side of the ball. The ball blows off
the tee, and A55 — who was lined up to the left of the ball — holds the ball on the tee for right-footed kicker A11. No other Team A players move. When the ball is kicked by A11, A55 is to the kicker’s right. RULING: Foul by Team A for illegal formation at the kick.
Penalty — Five yards from the previous spot or five yards from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. [Cited by 6-1-2-c-3, 6-1-2-c]
III. Free-kicker A11 places the ball on the tee just inside the hash mark line on his right. All of his teammates line up to his left. At the ready for play, four Team A players who were on A11’s left run to their right and are in the area to A11’s right when he kicks the ball. RULING:
Legal formation. [Cited by 6-1-2-c-3, 6-1-2-c]
IV. A11 places the ball on the tee for a free kick on the 35-yard line in the centre of the field. A12 lines up near the ball. After the ready for play, A11 starts forward as if to kick the ball, and A12 suddenly crosses in front of him and kicks the ball. When the ball is kicked, A11 is directly behind the ball with three teammates on one side of the ball. A12 plants his non- kicking foot on the same side of the ball as his three teammates. RULING: Foul by Team
A for illegal formation. Penalty — five yards from the previous spot and rekick if Team B chooses; or five yards from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. [Cited by 6-1-2-c-3, 6-1-2-c]