Rule 8 – Section 3 – Article 3 – Fouls During a Try Before a Change of Team Possession
a. Offsetting fouls: If both teams foul during the down and Team B fouls before the change of possession, the fouls offset and the down is repeated, even if additional fouls occur after the change of possession. Any repeat of the down after offsetting fouls must be from the previous spot. (A.R. 8-3-3:II)
b. Fouls by Team B on a try:
- When the try is successful, Team A shall have the option of declining the score and repeating the try after enforcement, or declining the penalty(ies) and accepting the score. Team A may accept the score with penalties for personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls enforced on the succeeding kickoff or from the succeeding spot in extra periods. (A.R. 3-2-3:VI) (A.R. 8-3-2:II) (A.R. 8-3-3:I) (A.R. 10-2-5:IX-XI)
- A repeat of the down after a penalty against Team B may be from any point on or between the hash marks on or behind the yard line where the penalty leaves the ball. (A.R. 8-3-3:III)
c. Fouls by Team A on a try:
- After a foul by Team A on a successful try, the ball shall be put in play at the spot where the penalty leaves it. (A.R. 8-3-3:I)
- If Team A commits a foul for which the penalty includes loss of down, the try is over, and the score is cancelled, and no yardage penalty is assessed on the succeeding kickoff.
- If before a change of team possession Team A commits a foul that is not offset, and during the down there is neither another change of team possession nor a score, the penalty is declined by rule.
d. Dead-ball enforcement:
- Penalties for fouls occurring after the ball is ready for play and before the snap are enforced before the next snap.
- Penalties for live-ball fouls treated as dead-ball fouls occurring during the try down are enforced on the succeeding kickoff or from the succeeding spot in extra periods. If the try is repeated, these penalties are enforced on the repeat (Rule 10-1-6) (A.R. 3-2-3:VII)
e. Roughing or running into kicker or holder: Roughing or running into the kicker or holder is a live-ball foul.
f. Kick catch interference: The penalty for interference with a kick catch is declined by rule. Any score by Team A is cancelled.
Rule 10 – Section 2 – Article 3 – Postscrimmage Kick Enforcement
a. Under postscrimmage kick enforcement rules, fouls by Team B that satisfy the conditions in paragraph b (below) are treated as if Team B had been in possession at the time the foul was committed, even though by Rule 2-4-1-b-3 team possession had not changed.
b. Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies only to fouls by Team B during a scrimmage kick and only under the following conditions:
- The kick is not during a try, a successful field goal, or in an extra period. (A.R. 10-2-3:IV)
- The ball crosses the neutral zone.
- The foul occurs before the end of the kick. (A.R. 10-2-3:I, II and V)
- Team B will next put the ball in play.
If these conditions are all met, the penalty is enforced according to the Three-and-One Principle. Team B is taken as the team in possession with the postscrimmage kick spot as the basic spot (Rule 10-2-2-c). See Rule 2-25-11 for the postscrimmage kick spot. (A.R. 10-2-3:I-VII)
Rule 10 – Section 2 – Article 4 – Fouls by Team A During Kicks
Penalties for all fouls by the kicking team other than kick-catch interference (Rule 6-4) during a free kick play or a scrimmage kick play in which the ball crosses the neutral zone (except field goal attempts) are enforced either at the previous spot (Exception: Penalty option is a safety for fouls in Team A’s end zone) or at the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, at the option of Team B. (Rules 6-1-8 and 6-3-13)
Rule 10 – Section 2 – Article 5 – Fouls During or After a Touchdown, Field Goal or Try
a. Fouls by the nonscoring team during a down that ends in a touchdown (not on the try).
- Fifteen-yard penalties for personal fouls and for unsportsmanlike conduct fouls are enforced on the try or the succeeding kickoff, at the option of the scoring team. If there is no kickoff, the accepted penalty is enforced on the try.
- Five- and 10-yard penalties are not enforced on the try or the succeeding kickoff. Such penalties are declined by rule unless enforcement is made possible by illegal touching of a kick during the down. (A.R. 6-3-2:III-IV)
b. Penalties for defensive pass interference fouls on a try from the three-yard line are enforced one-half the distance to the goal line. If the try is successful, the penalty is declined by rule.
c. When a foul(s) occurs after a touchdown and before the ball is ready for play on the try or there was a live-ball foul treated as a dead-ball foul on the touchdown play, enforcement is on the try or the succeeding kickoff, at the option of the offended team. If there is no kickoff, the accepted penalty is enforced on the try. (A.R. 3-2-3:V)
d. Penalties for live-ball fouls during field goal plays are administered by rule. When the field goal is successful, Team A shall have the option of cancelling the score and have the penalty enforced from the previous spot or declining the penalty(ies) and accepting the score. Team A may accept the score with penalties for personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls enforced on the succeeding kickoff or from the succeeding spot in extra periods.
e. Penalties for fouls during and after a try down are administered under Rules 8-3-3, 8-3-4, 8-3-5 and 10-2-5-b. (A.R. 3-2-3:VI-VII)
f. Distance penalties for fouls by either team may not extend a team’s free kick restraining line behind its five-yard line. Penalties that would otherwise place the free kick restraining line behind a team’s five-yard line are enforced from the next succeeding spot.