AR 9-1-1-R / Right of Place, Right of Way
I. A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver (individual
RULING: The receiver must avoid contact for the first few steps because the defender has ROP. If
the defender starts to move they will lose ROP and must avoid contact with the receiver and
give room for the pass route.
II. A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver. At the snap the
defender moves immediately inside and collides with the receiver who is also going towards
the middle.
RULING: Illegal contact foul by the defense. Once the defender moves the ROP is lost and they
are charged with avoiding contact. The receiver has to avoid the place where the defender
stands at the snap, but they cannot anticipate in which direction the defender will move.
III. A defender lines up close to the scrimmage line directly in front of a receiver and stretches
their arms sideways to shield the receiver. After the snap the defender does not move and the
receiver, in trying to run around the defender, contacts an arm of the defender.
RULING: Aiming by the defender. Even with ROP the defender shall not to seek contact with an
unnecessary act.
NOTE: The same ruling will apply to a snapper who is shielding a blitzer by stretching the arms
IV. A defender is in zone coverage and looking at the quarterback when an offense receiver runs
across the field and intentionally hits the defender from behind.
RULING: Aiming by the offense. Even with ROW, a player is not allowed to aim and hit an
opponent. (R 9-1-1)
V. A defender is squeezing the runner towards the side line. The runner tries to stay in bounds by
keeping the lane to gain a first down, rather than going out of bounds. The defender does not
slow down as they try to pull the flag and as a result both players collide.
RULING: Illegal contact by the runner, not aiming because the runners target was the gap. The
defender is not obligated to slow down and give the runner room, they are legitimate to aim the
earliest possible point for a flag pull. The runner is in control of the play, has no ROW and
must show their intention to avoid contact. If the runner miscalculates the defenders expected
route, it’s their fault.
NOTE: If the runner has stopped and afterwards (1 sec) the defender runs into the runner with
contact, it will be an Aiming foul by defense.
VI. Two defenders squeeze the runner between them. The runner tries to hit the gap between the
defenders and contacts one or both defenders.
RULING: Illegal contact by the runner, not aiming because the runners target was the gap. The
runner must avoid contact even when this stops the forward progress.
VII. A defender running towards the runner slips and falls right in the front of the runner. The
runner jumps over the defender in order to avoid contact. The defender still tries to reach the
flag for a pull but misses it and the runner continues the run.
RULING: Jumping by the runner. A runner is charged with avoiding contact with a defender, even if that means running around a player on the ground to avoid committing another foul.
VIII.A receiver makes a catch standing with their back to the defender who closes in to attempt a
flag pull and stops, establishing ROP due to now being stationary. After the catch the receiver
turns around on the spot and in the act of making the turn, the receiver contacts the defender.
The receiver then runs away from the defender and after gaining some extra yardage the
receiver is deflagged.
RULING: No foul for illegal contact. The receiver does not lose ROP by turning. (R 2-13-1)
NOTE: An extra movement by the receiver (or the defender) which caused contact to be initiated
would result in a foul for illegal contact.